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Character Creation

  • In DnDBeyond create a 1st level character using point buy or usual 4D6 drop lowest method.


  • Add your character to this campaign for compendium sharing, complete your character.


  • Think carefully about your background (from the dropdown list in DnDB) when creating the character, this will be used (somehow) for the introductory levelling up sessions.


  • Your starting gold/silver/copper is 3D6+10/2D10/2D6 respectively, this is a low cash campaign! If you are a noble/knight/professional (e.g. archaeologist), double the gold. You can buy basic equipment.​


  • Create a backstory and add to the character under the Notes/Backstory section on DnDBeyond. I will add to this for the setting.


  • Find a picture close to your character's appearance and send me the image or link, I will (probably) use these for tokens.


  • The campaign will take place in the classic Forgotten Realms setting of Faerun, specifically The Sword Coast. Note however that you will not know too much about the macro geography outside of your respective points of origin... You will potentially know some of the broader geopolitical information which I will provide on a shared page (or handout)...

The Campaign

  • Normal house rules apply, +2 for flanking, bonus action to chug a readied potion.


  • New house rule: Gifting Inspiration, if you have inspiration you can gift that to a party member (as a bonus action) with a little flavour!


  • This campaign is not an 'End of the World Big Bad Evil Guy(ess)' story. There will be an overarching story which you will work towards for a number of sessions. There will be political elements, which I will document extensively so hopefully it is still fun, and not a chore to follow, but I'll take your steer on whether its cool or not...


  • This is going to be a low-ish magic campaign, there will probably be no magic shops, there will however be magic item crafting/modification, use of monster bits, whatever your imaginations come up with (or, that won't work and there'll be magic shops!).


  • So for a while at least, it's probably going to be like a loose set of one-shots as you start your journey to become Adventurers, probably following your characters quest-lines in some way! This makes it a bit easier for me to prep.


  • Depending on timetables we'll be looking at playing once a week on a fixed-ish day, depending...we'll see.


  • As ever, suggestions, concerns, questions, pile 'em in! 

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